Professional Customer Service in practice. Interdisciplinary 2-days workshops related to improving customer service in the organization.

O szkoleniu

The aim of the training is to provide participants with knowledge and practical skills of professional customer service and to present how important it is to build and maintain relationships with the client from the perspective of the entire organization.
The training will focus on the following areas:

  • proper representation of the organization in contacts with clients;
  • adjusting the methods of service to the type of customer;
  • coping in contact with a demanding client;
  • maintaining professional relationships with the client.
Dlaczego warto wziąć udział?

The "Professional Customer Service in practice. Interdisciplinary 2-days workshops related to improving customer service in the organization. Learn how to build a relationship with your client!" is very interactive with many examples, discussion,analysis, and hands-on small group exercises.
During the training, participants will gain knowledge and practical skills in the areas of:

  • understanding clients' motives of acting,
  • being in the role of a customer,
  • diagnosing strengths and development areas in contact with clients,
  • ability to build relationships with customers,
  • using the language of benefits in contact with customers.
Kto powinien wziąć udział?


Employees responsible for external and internal customer service in the organization.
All people interested in expanding their knowledge and acquiring practical skills to build and maintain professional relationships with the client.

Program szkolenia


Program szkolenia stanowi prawnie chronioną własność intelektualną, a jego przetwarzanie, rozpowszechnianie lub korzystanie z niego bez wiedzy i zgody autora jest zabronione.

The training program is legally protected intellectual property, and its processing, distribution or use without the knowledge and consent of the author is prohibited.
I. The role of customer service in today's world
II. Professionalism in customer service as building an advantage over the competition.
III. Everyone is a client
IV. Customer expectations.
V. Customer service process.
1. Researching customer needs.
2. Presentation of the offer, proposals to meet the needs. Feature - benefit model.
3. Dispelling customer objections.
VI. Communication with customers - speaking the language of benefits
VII. Types of clients
VIII. Types of clients and the way of communicating with them
IX. Working with a demanding client
X. Contact with the customer:
1. Asking questions.
2. Paraphrasing.
3. Building a long-term relationship with the client.
4. First impression.
5. Providing information to the client.
XI. Features of a perfect salesman / customer advisor.
XII. Values in contact with customers - care, honesty, building customer satisfaction.

Czas trwania

2 days

Terminy i miejsca

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szkolenie online
1 532
+23% VAT
Cena zawiera:
  • zniżkę 3% przy zgłoszeniu za pośrednictwem (cena standardowa 1 580 zł)
  • udział w zajęciach
  • materiały szkoleniowe
  • certyfikat uczestnictwa
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Po otrzymaniu przez nas zgłoszenia skontaktujemy się z Państwem maksymalnie w ciągu 2 dni roboczych w celu potwierdzenia rezerwacji.

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  • Nazwa firmy: Centrum Organizacji Szkoleń i Konferencji SEMPER
  • Ulica i nr: Libelta 1a/2
  • Kod pocztowy: 61-706
  • Miejscowość: Poznań
  • Numer NIP: 7772616176

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Centrum Organizacji Szkoleń i Konferencji SEMPER
61-706 Poznań, Polska Libelta 1a/2


Centrum Organizacji Szkoleń i Konferencji SEMPER
61-706 Poznań, Polska
Libelta 1a/2
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